
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Camtasia Basic Recommendations Updated dhigby
Camtasia Basic Recommendations Updated dhigby
Video creation tips Updated dhigby
Camtasia Basic Recommendations Created dhigby
Camtasia Basic Recommendations Renamed dhigby
Video creation tips Updated dhigby
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby Image Plugin modified by editor.
Video creation tips Updated dhigby
Video creation tips Created dhigby
Video creation tips Renamed dhigby
Help! Paratext has stopped working Updated sewhite
Back Translations and Interlinearizer Created Parsley
Back Translations and Interlinearizer Renamed Parsley
FLEx 8 Updated sewhite
FLEx 8 Updated sewhite
FLEx 8 Updated sewhite
FLEx 8 Updated sewhite
FLEx 8 Updated sewhite


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.