
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Bloom 3 Session 7 Updated kent_schroeder add title
Bloom 3 Session 8 Updated kent_schroeder 3.4
Bloom 3 Session 7 Updated kent_schroeder Add exercise
Bloom 3 Session 7 Updated kent_schroeder report
Bloom 3 Session 7 Updated kent_schroeder 3.4
Bloom 3 Session 6 Updated kent_schroeder 3.4
Installing and using Aeneas Updated sewhite
Scripture App Builder Updated sewhite
Installing and using Aeneas Updated sewhite
Installing and using Aeneas Created sewhite
Installing and using Aeneas Renamed sewhite
Scripture App Builder Updated sewhite
Scripture App Builder Updated sewhite
Scripture App Builder Created sewhite
Scripture App Builder Renamed sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated ann_bush
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated test
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated test
Paratext Updated Jonathan Coombs
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated sewhite


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.