
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Language Worker Updated Bill Martin
The Language Worker Updated Bill Martin
The Language Worker Updated Bill Martin
The Language Worker Updated Bill Martin
The Language Worker Updated Bill Martin
The Language Worker Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap Moved release notes to Technician section
The Technician Updated BChap Moved release notes to Technician
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap Changed discription of Wasta and programs can be added later; better definition of the "name" and source
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin
The Consultant - Advisor Updated Bill Martin


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.