
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
IPA Updated Jonathan Coombs
IPA Updated Jonathan Coombs
IPA Updated Jonathan Coombs
IPA Updated Jonathan Coombs
IPA Updated Jonathan Coombs
Using the Topic Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Topic Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Topic Guide Created Larry Waswick
Using the Topic Guide Renamed Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Created Larry Waswick
Using the Sermon Starter Guide Renamed Larry Waswick
Using the Bible Word Study Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Bible Word Study Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Bible Word Study Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Bible Word Study Guide Updated Larry Waswick
Using the Bible Word Study Guide Created Larry Waswick
Using the Bible Word Study Guide Renamed Larry Waswick
FLEx 8 Updated kent_schroeder
FLEx 8 Updated kent_schroeder
FLEx 8 Updated kent_schroeder


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.