
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
CAWL in FLEx Updated lhayashi
CAWL in FLEx Updated lhayashi
CAWL in FLEx Updated lhayashi Updated information about SILCAWLv02 (fixed sense ids).
CAWL in FLEx Updated lhayashi
CAWL in FLEx Updated lhayashi
CAWL in FLEx Updated lhayashi
Paratext Tips and Tricks Updated sewhite
Paratext Tips and Tricks Updated sewhite
Advanced Unicode handling Updated sewhite
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Updated dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Created dhigby
Create a Custom Scripture Check in th... Renamed dhigby
Create a Custom Python Script in the ... Updated dhigby img Plugin modified by editor.


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.