
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Lesson 1 videos Created sewhite
Lesson 1 videos Renamed sewhite
1 Arranging your workspace Updated sewhite
1 Arranging your workspace Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.
PrimerPro Updated sewhite
PrimerPro Updated sewhite
PrimerPro Updated sewhite
PrimerPro Updated sewhite
PrimerPro Created sewhite
PrimerPro Renamed sewhite
7 Using the Biblical terms tool Updated System Administrator
7 Using the Biblical terms tool Updated System Administrator
Paratext for Consultants Updated sewhite
10 Spell checking Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.
10 Spell checking Updated sewhite
10 Spell checking Created sewhite
10 Spell checking Renamed sewhite
9 Understanding the vernacular text Updated sewhite
9 Understanding the vernacular text Created sewhite
9 Understanding the vernacular text Renamed sewhite
7 Using the Biblical terms tool Updated System Administrator
7 Using the Biblical terms tool Updated System Administrator
Renaming Pages Created System Administrator
Renaming Pages Renamed System Administrator
5 Taking notes during checking Updated System Administrator


Creative Commons License
All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.