
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Course Schedule 2012 Renamed kent_schroeder
2012 Africa Nairobi Created system created from structure
2012 Africa Nairobi Renamed system created from structure
Printing or exporting pages to PDF or... Updated sewhite
Printing or exporting pages to PDF or... Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.
Printing or exporting pages to PDF or... Created sewhite
Printing or exporting pages to PDF or... Renamed sewhite
testklb Updated kbradford
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley Image Plugin modified by editor.
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley
Attaching files Updated sewhite
Attaching files Updated sewhite
Attaching files Updated sewhite
Attaching files Updated sewhite Image Plugin modified by editor.
Attaching files Updated sewhite
Attaching files Created sewhite
Attaching files Renamed sewhite
Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial Updated Parsley


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All content on this LingTranSoft wiki are by SIL International are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.