
Last Changes

Date Page Action User Comment Action
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap Popular Apps are already there
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap
Wasta-Linux Updated BChap
The Technician Created BChap
The Technician Renamed BChap
The Consultant - Advisor Created BChap
The Consultant - Advisor Renamed BChap
The Language Worker Created BChap
The Language Worker Renamed BChap
Wasta-Linux Created BChap
Wasta-Linux Renamed BChap
Import TXT or Word DOC Files into Par... Updated James Post (LSS Office)
Import TXT or Word DOC Files into Par... Updated James Post (LSS Office)
Import TXT or Word DOC Files into Par... Created James Post (LSS Office)
Import TXT or Word DOC Files into Par... Renamed James Post (LSS Office)
New features in Paratext 7.5 Updated sewhite
Creating Pages Updated BChap
Creating Pages Updated BChap Drap in Drop of graphic failed; needed to pull item in from library
Creating Pages Updated BChap Test of inserting graphics into a page- passes test
Help! Paratext has stopped working Updated sewhite
New features in Paratext 7.5 Updated sewhite Vimeo Plugin modified by editor.
New features in Paratext 7.5 Updated sewhite


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